You did not choose me but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last, so that the Father will give you

whatever you ask him in my name.”.

John 15:16



An energetic spirit with profound love is the impelling force of our commitment;

A new offering with a new dream;

A new dream with a new vision;

A new mission and a new response;

Our religious vocation is a response of ‘Yes Lord, here I am,’

To Jesus who called, “Come follow me”.

It is an answer of love and, of obedience.

It is a response to the Master who called, “The harvest is plenty, but the labourers are few” (Lk.10:2). The aim of the Formation is to discover, to respond to God’s unique call, to follow Christ and to continue his mission according to our Congregational Charism.




God the Father, through the unceasing gift of Christ and the Spirit, is the formator par excellence for us.

It is a path of gradual identification with the attitude of Christ towards the Father. This formation covers every aspect of our life and demands our personal response for the whole life. It enables us to deepen our commitment and acquire a balanced personality. In this process, prayer and ministry harmonize and sustain each other, leading us to be true evangelizers and witnesses to Jesus Christ.

The aim of our formation is the maturing of the whole person through complete self-surrender  and total consecration to the Father in Christ Jesus and to participate in the mission of the Church according to the charisms of our society. Our model and guide in this fundamental task is our patron St. Thomas who helps us to be like him, in directing our love to Christ, and in making our personal relationship with him ever more intimate. Through our constant effort, we respond faithfully to our vocation placing ourselves entirely into the hands of our heavenly Father to be his own as he wills. This demands a life of prayer, sincerity, confidence in our superiors, genuine love for our congregation and a zeal for our prime apostolate of evangelization and catechesis. At various stages we learn by experience the meaning of our vocation as FST, and we accept the demands as it makes on us. Each stage of formation has its own curriculum.


Pre-Novitiate comprises the phases as visitors, candidates and postulants. Visitors are those who join our institute after completing their High School, whereas Candidates are those who have finished their Class XII or higher educations. Conditions for accepting the candidates are:

  1. A well determined will to become a religious, founded on supernatural motives
  2. Sound health with freedom from hereditary diseases and
  3. Minimum academic qualification: completion of High School for Visitors, and Class XII for Candidates with an eligibility for higher studies
  4. A simple and sincere disposition, together with an inclination for the mission of our institute
  5. Normal intelligence and sound common sense
  6. Pleasant, friendly and kind behaviour towards all, and ability to live in the communities
  7. A cheerful readiness to do any type of work in a true spirit of service
  8. A spirit of sacrifice and hard work
  9. A sense of responsibility, initiative and self-confidence
  10. Ability to fulfil the obligations of the institute

The period of candidacy can be varied according to the specific needs of each one.

Aspirancy and Postulancy last for one year as a rule and for just reasons it may be extended.

The Novitiate lasts for two years, at the end of which the novice makes her first profession of religious vows. Each year she attends a course for renewal for two weeks. After six years of juniorate, and having completed a six-month preparation, she pronounces her final vows.

The next stage is called Ongoing Formation, which means the continued growth in one’s commitment to Christ throughout one’s life. Renewal courses and special retreats, etc. are arranged for the purpose.




Aspiring young women can join as aspirants and are motivated and guided to understand their call through prayer. They understand the life and service of the Franciscan Sisters of St. Thomas of Tiruchirappalli by personal experience and exposure. They are also given classes to acquire proficiency in English language. At the end of aspirancy, the aspirants become fully trained as matured young women.

Duration: six months

Goal: To give the aspirant an understanding of Christian vocation and her call through FST family and its mission.


DURATION  ( from10th Std to 12th Students):

Goal: To prepare for the future mission through needed academic studies as well as to bring in intellectual, emotional and spiritual development


With the aim “Come and know”the postulants learn and understand deeply the meaning and spirit of religious life and to grow in Christian values. They are guided to discern the call of God fully to understand themselves and to gain personal experience for taking free and responsible decision. They undergo structured prayer life and attend classes to study different languages.

Duration: Six Months

Goal: To grow in the knowledge and understanding of the life and mission of FST.


Novitiate is an indispensable place of information and an active preparation in the formation process. With the aim “Taste and Experience”the novices are led to understand the abundant Goodness and Love of Jesus and are initiated to grow in the qualities of religious life. They study the Word of God and the Scripture for understanding Mission of God. They also study the history, spirituality, the vision and mission, the charism and motto, the different ministries and the constitution of the Congregation. They personally experience community living for two months. With prayer and meditation, they thoroughly prepare and submit themselves to religious life through “First Profession” by professing the vows of “CHASTITY, POVERTY, AND OBEDIENCE”.

DURATION: 2 YEARS (one year of canonical requirement &one Year of Post Novitiate)
Goal: To be equipped for God’s mission in accordance with FST Constitution.

The fruit of Formation: Total Self- giving at the First Profession


The junior sisters live in particular communities where they are to experience community living to strengthentheir vocation to be convinced of the charism of the congregation to have and deeper understanding of the vows.

Each year they renew their vows and before the renewal they make five daysof retreat. They are also offered different forms of trainings to be effective instruments of evangelization and are given due field exposure and spiritual animation.

They are permitted to choose their confessors and spiritual directors among the priests with approval of the superior General.

DURATION: Five to Nine Years 

Goal: To foster progressive integral growth by consolidating the spiritual, emotional, apostolic, communitarian and academic aspects within the frame work of the FST identity.


To grow and glow in FST FAMILY


Those who have made theirperpetual profession are offered with an opportunity once in five years to do one month of retreat. No matter whatever apostolate they may do, they must involve in the direct evangelization atleast for an hour every day. According to the year of professions the groups are sent for a special training to different centers.  Even those who are advanced in age also are offered chances to go for courses and seminars. Without hampering the primary aim,the sisters are given some vocational training to join hands with other groups and congregations in the evangelization of the peoples. Day-to-day experiences are translated into prayer and spiritual involvement.