St. Francis of Assisi’s life was one of constant change of heart (conversion) from a selfish way of living to a way of living for others. He could only do this through deep, contemplative prayer and by helping those in need, accepting and caring for all people, because they were his sisters and brothers.

Because of the way St. Francis lived, Franciscan Spirituality has always involved both action and contemplation. St. Francis proclaimed the Gospel of compassion and care for creation while living in solidarity with the poor. He also spent months in the mountainous forests above Assisi, praying in deep contemplation, often in caves and abandoned places. (Franciscan Action Network)

St. Francis embraced the leper of his time and visited the Muslim Sultan during the greatest of fighting, the Crusades, and he called all of creation Brother and Sister because he intuited that all creations- humans, animals, plants, sun, moon, wind, and water -were created by our heavenly Father, therefore, we are Sisters and Brothers to all.

Because of the way St. Francis lived, those who follow the Gospel in the Spirit of St. Francis try also to embrace the leper of our time – all those who are marginalized and looked upon as not belonging. We, followers of Jesus and Francis, love creation and desire to work toward caring for creation because Earth is, as Pope Francis says, “Our Common Home.”  We are called to see all of creation as Sister and Brother and act accordingly.