“Blessed are they who ease the days on my journey home in so many loving ways.”

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EVANGELIZATION:                                                 PRAYER GROUP:

President : Rev.Sr. Arockia Leeli                          Co-ordinator : Rev.Sr. Josephine Latha    

Co-ordinator : Rev.Sr. Agnes                                Secretary : Rev.Sr. Assumptha

Secretary : Rev.Sr. Maria Jessie                                                                      

Evangelization consists in the proclamation of Christ our Lord to those who do not know him through preaching, catechetics, and the administration of the sacraments. It means preaching the good news through the family visit and witnessing to Christ by life and work. Evangelization work is not only an essential feature of the Congregation, it is also the primary form of our apostolate. The sisters must deem that it is a privilege to be assigned to the work of evangelization. Every member must become a true missionary by prayer, sacrifice, and hard work to make Christ known and loved. By their missionary work, the sisters must aim at the formation of adult and committed Christians who know their faith, love their faith, and live their faith.

  • Understand the Gospel and Scripture
  • Imbibe and Follow Christian Values
  • Follow Guided Meditation
  • Engage in Inter-Religious Dialogues

Family and Community Ministry:

  • Participating in Family Prayers
  • Counselling and Guiding Family Units
  • Praying for the Sick with Love and Concern
  • Arranging Community Prayer Meetings
  • Enlightening the Community on Gospel Values
  • Animating Basic Christian Communities
  • Catechism and Moral Instruction Classes
  • Imparting Value Education
  • Gospel Values Through Multimedia
  • Cultural Events on Gospel Message and Values
  • Bible -Week and Christmas Celebrations

Sacraments – Preparation:

The constitution of our Congregation clearly outlines the role of our sisters to prepare and lead the faithful frequently to the reception of all the Sacraments and above all that of Reconciliation. Besides the personal pardon of God and His renewing love to the recipient, the Sacraments build up our Christian community and manifest our special bond within the Church. The regular participation of the Sacraments continuously renews and reforms the face of the Christian community in accordance with the teaching of Jesus.

Ministry in the Parish:

  • Assisting in Liturgy, Sacraments and Retreats
  • Catechism to Parish Children
  • Preparing Children for Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation
  • Preparing Parishioners for Marriage
  • Anointing the Sick
  • Animating Parishioners to Experience God
  • Preaching good news  through family visit and witnessing to Christ by life and work.
  • Sacramental preparation 
  • choirs


Pastoral ministry consists of our works like helping the parish in its liturgical, biblical and catechetical work; organizing basic Christian communities(Anbiyams), pastoral family visit and catechism class.


President : Rev. Sr. Arockia Leeli                                                                                        

Co-ordinator : Rev.Sr. Arockia Tamilarasi                                                                             

Secretary : Rev.Sr. Mariammal 

Realizing the important role that education plays in liberating and empowering girls and women for establishing a humane society; the Congregation sisters are working in other diocesen schools and religious schools both formal and Non formal Education.


President : Rev.Sr. Arockia Leeli                                                                                        

Co-ordinator : Rev.Sr. Jerald Sahaya Janci                                                                                 

Secretary : Rev.Sr. Sebasthiammal                       

“Service to Christ in His sick, poor, and abandoned brothers and sisters”

The Congregation undertakes the healing ministry of Christ by providing the much needed health care and services to the poor and the needy in rural areas

We have 8 dispensaries in rural areas and out of which there is one hospital. Fully qualified nurses are employed in these dispensaries to take care of the health of the local people. There are about 30 sisters doing this ministry. There are part time doctors  visit our dispensaries and help us in treating to attend the sick. In all these places our sisters are spreading the Good News that God loves them and takes care of them.

Health Care:

  • 8 Health Care Centres in Rural Areas.
  • One Well Equipped Hospital
  • Medical Care to the Sick and the Needy
  • pre and post natal care

Health Services:

  • Empathetic and Compassionate Treatment
  • Periodic Check-up to Monitor Health
  • Counselling for Upkeep of Health
  • Awareness on Health and Hygiene
  • Preventive Methods for Common Diseases
  • Health Programmes in Villages
  • Laboratory
  • Running health Care Centers.
  • Visiting and treating the sick and the aged at home.
  • Mobile Clinic.


President : Rev.Sr. Arockia Leeli                                                                                        

Co-ordinator : Rev.Sr. Mabel Saroja                                                                                

Secretary : Rev.Sr. Maria Anita

The Congregation engages itself in social service ministry for the disadvantaged children and women in the society by running homes, training centres and craft centres.

By making family visits the sisters understand their problems in life and guide them to overcome all the difficulties through prayer and dialogue.

Abandoned children in one of our homes, parentless children in three of our orphanages and poor children in hostels are provided with good food, shelter and quality education with compassionate care and concern.

Socially and economically marginalized women are trained in three of our tailoringinstitutes. In addition to basic literacy programmes, skilled training is also provided indiet and nutrition, indoor decoration, childcare, natural home remedies tips  and first aid from two of our social welfare centres.

SHGs are formed among rural and tribal women. The groups are given training in Income Generation Activities and are supported to become entrepreneurs by helping them to avail loan facility from the Banks and the Government.

Through Self help groups the women are motivated to understand the real situation of life.

Ministry-social ministries:

Forming youth groups and women groups for social awareness.

Vocational training centres for women.

Conducting children’s home and hostels for working women

Organizing day care centre for preschool children

Health centres


Sponsorship programmes

All the sisters are qualified in the fields of catechetic, liturgy and bible. Many are qualified as teachers, nurses and a few in theological studies.

Forming youth groups and women groups for social awareness.

Vocational training centers for women.

Conducting children’s home as hostels for working women

Organizing day care centre for preschool children


“We are called to make the mission of Jesus our own: we are to give form to this mission. It is an honour to be collaborators with God.” (Spirituality book–Experience God in everyday life)Paying heed to the mandate of the Lord “You shall be my witnesses to the ends of the earth” (Lk.24:28)

Rev. Fr. Giovanni Atzori, Capuchin, the minister Provincial of Sardgna e Corsica Province invited us to render the following service at  Iglesias in Sardegna;  to do the pastoral work and  to assist people who come for the retreat, to conduct programme, to give spiritual and moral classes and to visit the sick and distribute Holy communion. A new mission station was initiated on October 2, 2016 with the decision of General Council. Sr. Mary Preethi and Sr. Pravina Marywere sent as the pioneers todo their pastoral work under the care of the Franciscans.

Suore di Francescane di San Tommaso, via Piazza Manzoni,

Madonna delle Grazie, Cagliari, Sardegna, Rome.

Started: October 2, 2016

Ministry: Pastoral work and various missions